A Forest Gathering: Part Two of a Series on Four Feminine Archetypes

3 min readApr 15, 2021

The Siren

Her long arms reached down to take the hand of The Wondrous Child then immediately she felt her pull her towards the entrance to the tree cave. “Let’s go!” shouted the child with glee. “Oh no, there’s a gl ade we could check first on the other side. Have you been there yet?” replied The Siren. “Why no, I haven’t. Is it pretty there?” asked the child. “Very! And I know a shortcut,” stated The Siren with a knowingness as she gathered the hanging hem of her silky dress. Then, off they went, around a steep corner and deeper into the tree.

Inside the tree it was much larger than it looked from the outside and it felt silly to the child. “How silly this place is!” exclaimed the girl. “Have you ever felt silly?” Holding the girl closer, The Siren replied, “Often, but mostly when I need someone’s attention. It’s kind of a game I play.” “I love games,” responded the girl. “This game is more like teasing. I’ve learned how to get people to pay attention to me and show their attraction. And I’m quite good at it,” The Siren said with a confident smile. The child wondered for a moment, as she does, and exclaimed brightly, “Teach me! Oh could you?” “This is a skill you learn on your own. In fact, it comes to you out of a reaction, sometimes to gain or sometimes to survive. And you’d have to give up something that makes you uniquely you, and that my sweet, is innocence.” Slightly perplexed, The Wondrous Child had no idea what “iknowcents” was but no matter, they were nearing the other side where the path lead to a cavernous opening to the glade beyond.

The glade felt humid and the child was in awe at the swaying vines from the dense forest. She was so distracted by the new surroundings she bumped into The Siren’s slender legs as she stepped over to the tall grass, now reaching the height of the girls’s hips. Just then, they heard loud drumming and the hollers and hoots of men fast approaching. Somewhat intrigued, The Siren clutched the girl’s hand and picked up her pace but suddenly they were flanked on all sides by a tribe of painted men wearing furs and animal skins. The Siren was not fearful. Quite the contrary, she was excited to see so many men answer the song she began to sing while in the tree. The Wondrous Child’s mouth gaped and her eyes widened as she watched The Siren’s lips, cheeks, hips and chest get fuller, curvier, and her skin shinier and her eyelashes and hair longer. She inhaled deeply, and as she parted her lips to sing, a soft hush lingered forth, her bosom heaving. Some of the men began to fall into a trance-like stare at her and the man who looked like their leader abruptly commanded, “Witch! You will not need to seduce us. For I know what it is you seek and I have been asked to take you to where you can find the magical tiara.” To that The Wondrous Child let out, “Yay!” and The Siren smirked, “We are indebted. Lead the way.”




Kekauililani is Ross Goo's middle name. He is a short story writer who started creative writing screenplays at the university studying film and filmmaking.